


Hope, Healing, & Hospitality
in Christ

Weekly Worship Gathering & Potluck, Sundays at 10am





You’re Invited.

We gather each Sunday at 10am in Lakewood.

Join us in the sanctuary at 10am each week. Following singing, prayer, sermon/kids programing, and communion– all are welcomed to participate in potluck. Bring yourself and, if possible, something to share.

Oak Church gatherings are conveniently located in the Scrap Exchange’s Reuse Arts District, a home for nonprofits and creative businesses in the heart of Durham.

2020 Chapel Hill Rd. Ste 33 Durham, NC 27707

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 “Suppose we dare start today believing in God to the extent that wherever we went the Kingdom of God would be at hand. In very short time, the entire complexion of our city would be transformed.”

Howard Thurman

Join in God’s mission.


This Week with Oak Church:

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“There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.”

-Wendell Berry

Find out more about life together in the neighborhood.


Our Name

As a young church, we hope to grow deep roots.

Learn More About Our Name.

We Believe

The best way to understand what we believe is to come and be a part of our community.

Read More About Our Faith.

Folks & Friends

Men and women who help steer the Oak Church towards health and flourishing for others.

Meet Our Team.



“Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place.”

-Henri Nouwen

Meet some Oak Folk


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