World Relief Durham

World Relief Durham

Local Partner

When you look at World Relief Durham you’ll see a dedicated staff team working together with refugees, the Church, and community partners to help refugees integrate and thrive in the Triangle. You’ll see persecuted people starting over with dignity. You’ll see a Christian organization that believes the Church has a particular responsibility to work on behalf of vulnerable people. You’ll also see one that simultaneously knows we cannot do this alone but need everyone in our community working together for refugees to thrive. You’ll meet a team committed to listening and learning: listening to those we serve, to our community’s needs and assets; learning from best practices in the field and each other. You’ll see our staff offering refugees support services that assist with initial resettlement to the US; housing, food, school, health, transportation, employment, financial literacy, cultural orientation, and community integration. You’ll meet Churches and community partners who go through our trainings to develop culturally sensitive friendships with refugees built on mutuality; who donate their goods to meet refugees’ initial needs; who employ, advocate for and welcome refugees; who sponsor events, provide services and welcome the assets that refugees in turn contribute to the Triangle. And most of all we hope you will grow to know, learn from and love people who have run for their lives and found refuge here in our community.

Join us.