Acts 2:42-47
Chris Breslin
“After I gazed for a long time at Rublev’s Trinity these words spoke to me with new power. ‘Praying at all times’ has come to mean ‘dwelling in the house of God all the days of our lives.’ ‘Surviving all that is going to happen’ now tells me that I no longer need to be a victim of the fear, hatred, and violence that rule the world.” -Henri Nouwen
“If all we have is temple we tend to get fat (not burning off enough calories on mission), while if all we have is oikos we tend to get faint (too much energy expenditure with not enough nourishment). But if we can embrace both temple and oikos, we become fit (being nourished properly for the task of mission).” –Ben Sternke quoting Paul Maconochie
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” -Annie Dillard
Slides from September 16, 2018
Spit-Take! The Science of Saliva (Wow in the World podcast episode)
Songs for Today’s Worship Gathering:
Rise Up by Wardell/Mazunik
Higher Ground by Oatman/Gabriel
Come, for the Feast is Spread by Burton/Gordon
Canticle of the Turning by Cooney
Rest by Maher/Cockrell
In the House of God Forever by Foreman
Series Resources:
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicalsby Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, & Enuma Okoro
Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Missionby David Fitch
Celebration of Discipline: the Path to Spiritual Growthby Richard Foster
Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Lifeby Tish Harrison Warren
Slow Churchby C. Christopher Smith
The New Parishby Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens & Dwight Friesen
The Art of Neighboringby Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon
No Home Like Placeby Leonard Hjalmarson
Where Mortals Dwellby Craig Bartholomew
Race and Placeby David Leong
Seeing Jesus in East Harlemby José Humphreys
Making Neighborhoods Wholeby Wayne Gordon & John Perkins
Roadmap to Reconciliationby Brenda Salter McNeil
The Power of Proximityby Michelle Ferrigno Warren
Making Roomby Christine Pohl
Reconstructing the Gospelby Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove