Chris Breslin
Mark 1:14-20
“God acts completely unexpectedly- as he always said he would.” –N.T. Wright
“This is a call for us to reconsider how we have been approaching our life, in light of the fact that we now, in the presence of Jesus, have the option of living within the surrounding movements of God’s eternal purposes, of taking our life into his life.” –Willard
“On two separate occasions Peter received the call, “Follow me.” It was the first and last word Jesus spoke to his disciple (Mark 1.17; John 21.22). A whole life lies between these two calls. The first occasion was by the lake of Gennesareth, when Peter left his nets and his craft and followed Jesus at his word. The second occasion is when the Risen Lord finds him back again at his old trade. Once again it is by the lake of Gennesareth, and once again the call is: “Follow me.” Between the two calls lay a whole life of discipleship in the following of Christ. Half-way between them comes Peter’s confession, when he acknowledged Jesus as the Christ of God.” –Bonhoeffer
“We have had a too-limited understanding of what the integration of faith and work really looks like. We have talked about the “three Es”: ethics, evangelism, and excellence. Being people of good character, witnessing to our co-workers, and doing our work with excellence are all important parts of integrating faith and work. But there is much more to be said beyond the three Es. When we begin to understand this invitation from Jesus to join his mission of restoring all things, our enthusiasm for integrating faith and work will be heightened.”-Amy Sherman
Resources for Mark 1
Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Visions of Vocation by Steve Garber
Word Biblical Commentary: Mark, Vol 34A by Robert Guelich
Anchor Bible Commentary: Mark, Vol 1 by Joel Marcus
The Way of the Lord by Joel Marcus
Kingdom Calling by Amy Sherman
The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
The Great Omission by Dallas Willard
How God Became King by N.T. Wright