1 Samuel 17:1-51
Chris Breslin
“Darkness can’t drive out darkness, only light can do that.” –Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Jesus is, well, strange. He refuses to manipulate people through their stomachs; he refuses to rule people through an alliance with evil; and he refuses to guard his rule, and thus exalt himself, through a corruption of God’s promises. But this isn’t how to get things done in this world. In this world it is the Herods, Caesars, Pilates, and Caiaphas’ who get things done—regardless of what it takes to see that happen.” –Eugene Peterson, The Jesus Way
Slides from the Lament led by Alexandra Harper
Quick to Listen Podcast featuring Andy Crouch talking about Orlando, media, power, and lament
Further Reading on David
The Art of Biblical Narrative by Robert Alter
The David Story: A Translation of 1 & 2 Samuel by Robert Alter
1 Samuel as Christian Scripture by Stephen Chapman
1 Samuel (Word Biblical Commentary) by Ralph Klein
Leap Over A Wall: Earthly Spirituality for Everyday Christians by Eugene Peterson