Never Forget Mercy

Never Forget Mercy


Matthew 18:21-35 (Proper 19)

Chris Breslin

Testimony and introduction of Yudai Chiba (2020-21 Pastoral Intern)

“Through my memory of the Passion, God can “purify” my memory of wrongs suffered because my identity stems neither from the wrongdoing done to me, which would require the perpetual accusation of my wrongdoer, nor from my own (false) innocence, which would lead me to (illegitimate) self-justification.” -Miroslav Volf, The End of Memory

“We must remember, if we are to be peacemakers capable of confronting one another with our sins, that we have first been forgiven and we are, therefore, members of a community of the forgiven.” -Stanley Hauerwas

If you are not to become a monster,
you must care what they think.
If you care what they think,

how will you not hate them,
and so become a monster
of the opposite kind? From where then

is love to come—love for your enemy
that is the way of liberty?
From forgiveness. Forgiven, they go

free of you, and you of them;
they are to you as sunlight
on a green branch. You must not

think of them again, except
as monsters like yourself,
pitiable because unforgiving.

Wendell Berry, Enemies (1994)


Slides for September 13, 2020

Godly Play at Home

Practical Tips and Resources for Hand Copying Scripture (Kairos Partnerships)


Songs for Today’s Worship Gathering:

Take My Life, and Let It Be by Havergal/Herold

Blessed are the Merciful by Zach/Palmer/Wardell

Have Mercy on Me by Gungor/Phillips


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