These Things

These Things

04/30/2017 Sermon

Luke 24:13-35

Jeremiah Dodson


“We do not gain a grasp of Scripture’s significance solely through lectures on the text, we come to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus as we participate in the shared life of the community, enacted in meals shared at the table.” –Richard Hays


“Christian understanding is inseperable from a certain kind of ‘eucharistic’ lifestyle and practice.  It is to those who are willing to live and act as Jesus did that the way Jesus understood God and scripture is most likely to make sense.” –R.W. Moberly


“Suffering is…the most efficient means of transformation, and God makes full use of it whenever God can.” –Richard Rohr


Liminal space…

–is when “you have left the ‘tried and true’ but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else.”

–is “a unique place where all significant transformation happens”

–“can truly be sacred space, you are not in control and not at the center and something genuinely new can happen”

–Richard Rohr


“The messianic role of Jesus as Redeemer had left the general populace with mixed responses: confusion, bewilderment, agitation, or unfulfilled expectations (‘but we had hoped he was the one who was going to redeem Israel’ –Luke 24:21).  Jesus did not fulfill nationalistic hopes, apocalyptic dreams, or holy-commonwealth aspirations.” –Marvin R. Wilson


“Understanding can dawn only when these shattering events are brought into an interpretive dialectic with Israel’s story: ‘[A]s Jesus cannot be understood apart from Jewish scripture, Jewish scripture cannot be understood apart from Jesus’” –Hays/Moberly



Matthew 16:21

Luke 9:22

Luke 17:25

Luke 22:14-20

Acts 8:26-39

Isaiah 53

Songs for Today’s Worship Gathering:

New Wonders by McCracken

Holy, Holy, Holy by Heber/Dykes

Come, for the Feast is Spread by Burton/Gordon

On Christ the Solid Rock by Bradbury/Mote

God with Us by Jordan/Ingram

Jesus Spreads His Banner O’er Us by Park/Barthelemon


Go further:

Reading Scripture in Light of the Resurrection (chapter in the Art of Reading Scripture) by Richard B Hays (and Ellen F. Davis)

Can These Bones Live?: A Theology in Outline by Robert Jenson

Miracles by C.S. Lewis

The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Michael Licona

Prototype by Jonathan Martin

Resurrection & Moral Order by Oliver O’Donovan

Living the Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

Practice Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

Resurrection and the Son of God by N.T. Wright (academic)

Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright (accessible)


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