Oak Church Sermon Archive
September 9, 2018
Our conversation around Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove new book, Reconstructing the Gospel, took place at Oak Church on September 9, 2018. Tammy White Rodman (Pilgrimage Coordinator for DurhamCares) was the moderator.
February 25, 2018
Pastor Chris Breslin recently invited Bob Crawford to be part of a live conversation with Kate Bowler to talk about the history of Christianity, their faith, and how the crisis of cancer has affected their relationships with God. Kate Bowler is Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity in North America at Duke Divinity Schooland author of the New York Times Best Selling Book Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved (Random House, 2018) and Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel (Oxford University Press, 2013). She also hosts the podcast Everything Happens.
September 20 – November 22, 2015
Throughout the Fall we’ll explore Kingdom stories and images from Jesus’ teaching in the gospels. #kingdomislike
June 7 – August 30, 2015
A summer-long study of the letter to the Ephesians. #OakRooted
November 30 – December 24, 2014
“Learning to live appropriately between the two ‘comings,’ under the rescuing rule of Jesus and in the power of the Spirit, is what it means to be a Christian.” -N.T. Wright
An Advent journey of Hope, Love, Joy, & Peace through the Year B Psalms of the Revised Common Lectionary.
Oak Church hopes to be
a vibrant place of learning and growing
in the knowledge and likeness of Christ.